reorganize 'Computer Security Education' vs 'Post Install Advice' vs 'Security Guide' vs 'Advanced Security Guide'


ID: 141
PHID: PHID-TASK-rqiopynfubg3ezrmzhuv
Author: Patrick
Status at Migration Time: resolved
Priority at Migration Time: Normal


Migrated from:

Pages in question:

I supposed that steps in Computer Security Education, Post Install Advice and Security Guide should be realistic to be applied by mortals. Advanced Security Guide is supposed to contain the hardcore stuff requiring more skill.

In Security Guide, the Anonymous 3G modem and Anonymous WiFi adapter chapters don’t really fit. From a logical flow it would fit better in Computer Security Education, but realistically it probably better fits into Advanced Security Guide. Maybe a section in Pre Install Advice that only addresses advanced users would be best.

Reoganize Computer Security Education vs Post Install Advice vs Security Guide vs Advanced Security Guide.
