Regarding automation test suite support for Whonix ...


As a user I got introduced to Whonix few months before. As a developer, I am absolute beginner to Whonix & interested to support its development activity …

From “Ways To Contribute” list, I like to pick-up the task “Port Tails Test Suite [archive] to Whonix ™”

Want to check the feasibility of Mentor-ship support, for fast-track ramp-up on this automation topic …

As an initial step planning to bring-up below stuffs …

Looking for leaders comments and guidance, and like to know is there any member already working on it …

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Help in that area very much appropriated!

I haven’t heard from either existing iniative (in telegram chat) for 1 month now.

Therefore I guess this task is up for grabs.

This was created:

Does it work for you?

Something that could be expanded?

Great, Thanks for Link. Will explore more, the shared thread & github link.

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Any update?