Refinement of Whonix Concept Graphic - Help wanted!

Looks great!

I am looking forward to comments on which is best.

For the final one, please keep the “-” in
. (We’re using that notation consistently everywhere.) is my favorite.

Whonix-Gateway is smaller than Whonix-Worstation, as it should be because the user works in Workstation, and we live in a stormy world from which Whonix protects us in its humble way. :wink: Hallelujah. May be if the borders of the boxes were black ?

Just noticed, in the final there will be other words that need renaming.


The word “secured” implies to much. (For example, it doesn’t take into account: Whonix ™ and Tor Limitations)

Could you change it back to the original when we picked the final please?

…of course.

Ok. let’s use troubadour’s choice.

FIS, can you do these last adjustments please?

Oh, and FIS, could you stick with us for a while please after we changed it on whonix’s main page? When it goes live, we might get valid feedback on points we overlooked for now.

No worries. If you need my help again feel free to contact me. I’ll be very willing to help you… with the red and black border lines, as troubadour suggested.

Replaced on the main page.

Took the one with red borders, because the black borders for the workstation was not visible at all. But it is true. Red borders are non-ideal. Perhaps we find a better color. One that is not red (as the color) and not black (that is invisible).

Congratz on your new Concept Graphic! …look nice to me :wink:

Yes! Thanks you a log!

Thank you for Whonix and good luck…


I can help.
