qubes-updates-cache: Qubes-Whonix integration

Long time ago.

I cannot find this pull request anymore.

  if [ -e /run/qubes/this-is-netvm ] || [ -e /run/qubes/this-is-proxyvm ]; then
    ## The same for squid from qubes-updates-cache, which runs as user vm-updates.
    if getent passwd vm-updates > /dev/null; then
      $nftables_cmd add rule inet nat output ip protocol udp skuid vm-updates ct state new counter dnat to "${DNS_PORT_GATEWAY}"
      ## TODO: IPv6: missing rule
      $nftables_cmd add rule inet nat output ip protocol tcp skuid vm-updates ct state new counter dnat to "${TRANS_PORT_GATEWAY}"
      ## TODO: IPv6: missing
  • I ported it from iptables to nftables but didn’t test it.
  • TODO: IPv6: missing
  • Possible to abolish all of it and use socks. (tinyproxy nowadays using socks)
