qubes tor-browser crashed (hangs) want to save bookmarks

Hi, in a qubes whonix disposable vm a tor-browser was running with about 30 tabs in it, not yet bookmarked, and it crashed and isn’t responsive anymore in any way.
Does anybody know if there is a file with currently open tabs and where to find it?
If not, any other way I can bookmark and save my open tabs?


Same as Tor Browser. Similar to Firefox.

As per Free Support for Whonix ™

Not really because in the regular Firefox there is a sessionstore.json where the tabs are stored. The makers of the tor-browser used in whonix seem to have removed that file as I can not find it inside those VMs that are still running with the non-responsive tor-browser.

Whonix doesn’t produce Tor Browser. The The Project produces Tor Browser.

Whonix doesn’t make such modifications such as deleting files from Tor Browser.

Tor Browser in Whonix is in folder


That’s the only relevant difference introduced by Whonix here.

Not a Whonix specific question.

I’ll try to find a support group for tor-browser.
Thank you.