Qubes sudo / su / root Hardening - Development Discussion

What is it that the user can mess up?

“If you can do it in Tails without leaking your IP, it should be possible in Whonix Gateway.” → That would also include running Tor Browser, Firefox. Running these in Tails is functional and doesn’t automatically leak IP. This isn’t functional in Whonix (and doesn’t leak IP either).

But the use case for Whonix-Gateway is different from the use case for Tails.

Whonix instead has a design where we can say:
“If you can do it in Tails without leaking your IP, it should be possible in Whonix-Workstation.”

Whonix uses a Whonix-Gateway / Whonix-Workstation split design to allow for greater security and flexibility.

The feature you’re suggesting goes into the walled garden direction. The following is unrelated from privilege escalation tools (sudo etc) hardening: A feature request could be titled:

Whonix-Gateway account user should not have access to GETINFO address Tor control protocol command / circuit information by default

Unrelated to privilege escalation tools because as configured currently account user can access the Tor control protocol.

Implementation of such a feature request would possible in theory. We’d have to break most Tor Controllers such as Nyx and Onion Circuits by default or write complex onion-grater: a Tor Control Port Filter Proxy profiles. (Not worth the development effort, because the Tor control protocol will likely not be implemented in Arti, and things will be different there, yet to be determined.) (related: Keep an eye on Arti (Tor))

The Whonix design is at time of writing:

  • In Whonix-Workstation, the user can safely run applications without IP leaks.
  • In Whonix-Gateway, the user can safely configure Tor and use Tor controllers.

The feature we don’t have is a feature often used in corporate context, “distrust the human”, “protect a human victim of Social Engineering and (Spear) Phishing from shooting their own feet by following malicious advice”.

Therefore, I consider this out-of-scope for this ticket.

Due to this git commit (source code modification), no manual user modification will be required to avoid getting package qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root accidentally uninstalled during sudo apt autoremove.

No special instructions neccessarily required.

Migrating existing installations to user-sysmaint split can be done as per user documentation.

sysmaint - System Maintenance User links to sysmaint - System Maintenance User which has a chapter Installation.

Related: user-sysmaint-split - Whonix-Workstation versus Whonix-Gateway - Default Installation Status Differences

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