Qubes R2 Released!


The Qubes Team has now released the final Qubes OS Release 2.

They’ve also got a new team member who is a Tor board member and privacy advocate.

Joanna (Qubes founder) seems to be getting further interested in seeing the Qubes and Tor worlds come closer together, and just mentioned again, on their mailing list, wanting to ship Whonix and TorVM pre-installed and pre-configured in future Qubes releases. Our current ProxyVM + AppVM development work in this forum will be a foundation for helping make this tight integration a reality.

Whonix also got a nice shout out from Joanna in the new R2 annoucment blog post…

I will be surely upgrading and testing out our current Whonix install guides with it.

The next Qubes R3 Odyssey platform looks even sweeter. Can’t wait to see more!

Congratulations to the Qubes Team for their milestone release! :smiley:

Find the Qubes + Whonix install guides here:
