Proposal for Pretty Blog Category URLs

Hi Patrick and fortasse,

I’m about to publish a new major announcement post to Whonix and other communities like Tor and Qubes, and was hoping this could be implemented today so that people could get better URLs when I refer them to the project. I’d be happy to implement myself if you would need me to.

Currently the Whonix Blog category URLs look like this…

As is popularly done with WordPress, I’d like to remove the “category base” and have the category URLs look like this…

This is popularly done with Wordpress and can be easily accomplished with the following plugins…

Alternatively, if not wanting to do this for all Whonix Blog categories, we could just do it for the Qubes category with a rewrite rule.

Could we get this implemented today? I’d be happy to help do it.

My aim is that I’m looking to give people the following list of pretty URLs for the Qubes + Whonix project:

Qubes + Whonix Primary Sources:

- Wiki:
- Forum:
- Blog:
- Tracker:

Also… Proposal for Pretty Qubes Tracker URL: Whonix Forum

WordPress SEO is already installed.

Could we get this implemented today? I'd be happy to help do it.
Added you admin on wordpress. Feel free to poke around with it.

Great. I was able to get it working.

Here are the changes I made…

Removed the category base “/category/”.

Old category base URLs now redirect to the new pretty category URLs.

Used the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin: Permalinks:
“Strip the category base (usually /category/) from the category URL.”

Also, the capitalized /blog/Qubes URL was not being recognized by WordPress, only the lowercase version instead.

So, again with the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, I edited the WordPress .htaccess file and added a rewrite rule before the main WordPress rewrite rules, specifically to handle just the /blog/Qubes redirect.

Here is what I added to /blog/.htaccess:

# BEGIN Whonix Qubes Custom Category Rewrite
# INFO ABOUT THIS:,1024.0.html
# Redirects capitalized /blog/Qubes link to lowercase /blog/qubes destination.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RedirectMatch /blog/Qubes /blog/qubes
# END Whonix Qubes Custom Category Rewrite

Everything seems to work good now.

Thanks again! :smiley: