post on mediawiki mailing list request for mediawiki job


ID: 844
PHID: PHID-TASK-t7veafuxnstpfxx54aks
Author: Patrick
Status at Migration Time: resolved
Priority at Migration Time: Normal


post on mediawiki mailing list mediawiki-l


Developer Wanted! - Paid modifications for mediawiki skin foreground.

Are you available for paid modifications for mediawiki skin foreground?

GitHub - jthingelstad/foreground: A MediaWiki skin that focuses on putting your content in the foreground.

List of tasks:

  • fix wiki Expand All / Collapse All

  • mediawiki foreground skin: make items in navigation clickable without drop-down and without javascript

  • There is too much white space on the left and the right side of any wiki page.

  • Some of our boxes or something breaks mobile view.

  • css fixes required

  • mediawiki markup fix required

  • CodeSelect needs fixes

  • Bullet point font sizes within footnotes are too big (bigger than normal footnote size), should be smaller.

  • After a bullet point, there is too little white space before the next non-bullet point text.

task details:
⚓ T809 mediawiki fixes


  • All modifications could stay Libre Software of course.
  • The copyright would stay with you. I am neither interested in copyright nor attribution.
  • The level of transparency is up to you.
  • I am myself a huge fan of Libre Software.
  • Contribute the solution as a pull request upstream whenever possible.



2018-09-17 19:40:26 UTC