Own Anonymous decentralized website/blog in the Clearnet. Possible?

We have freenet and we have twister http://twister.net.co/
But clearnet users can’t access their pages without using freenet or twister software.

We could implement own onion website + https://pagekite.net but it is not decentralized. If your PC is off your website is not available either. Also it involves the risk caused by making payments to pagekite. Also governments may make pagekite shut down your account.

Are there any solutions to get a decentralized anonymous website in clearnet?
Also why does TOR team not make support for UDP, torrents and decentralization features?

→ Onion.to would be a better proxy to your onion webserver

→ The existence of the Tor dark web is more of a bonus than a mission. The Tor project is MUCH more focused on giving clearnet access to censored users.

→ There are a few experiments for simple to access, decentralized websites. SyncNet is one. They’re just getting started.

→ You can keep your anonymity and gain some form of resilience by using free services (wordpress, neocities, whatever) that you (the anonymous webmaster) connect to ONLY via Tor (if you ever connect to it outside of Tor, Game Over). Run a hidden service that mirrors the site (or is the main site) and always has updated “clearnet” links on the top (those clearnet sites can have the onion address displayed). If your free clearnet hosting goes down, users can always Tor Browser Bundle or onion.to your hidden website temporarily.


It will always require installation of new software. Or such decentralized systems have to be build into mainstream browsers by default. I don’t see this coming due to politics and founding of major browser vendors.

Technical challenges, capitalism, no founding.

As JasonJAyalaP mentioned…

You could have clearnet people view your .onion website via a proxy viewer, like https://onion.to. Also possible to detect this and additionally encourage people to get the Tor Browser and view your .onion site natively. And you could use short url services to make more memorable and convienient clearnet links to .onion proxy site.

You could use free website services and remain anonymous via Whonix / Tor Browser in administering and publishing on them. But you almost always sacrafice functionality capabilities with these services.

You could go to the trouble of using anonymous payment methods, or pay for services through other people who don’t know your identity, or just have them host a copy for you from their ip or host.

As far as decentralization goes…

Domain names are obviously centralized.

IP Addresses are centralized but more loosely tossed around to people than domain names.

Tor .onion Hidden Services are decentralized since there is no identity registration, nobody to revoke your .onion domain, and no linking to an ip address.

Onion sites are not decentralized because they are located on one computer. Computer is off - the site is off too. Timing attacks can be used to find locations of servers of non-decentralized sites.

I have the following idea:

  1. Install freenet on whonix-workstation.
  2. Create a freenet decentralized site.
  3. Is there a proxy to let clearnet users visit freenet sites like onion.to ?
  4. Keep my connection to freenet only during modifying the content of my freenet site.

Will this solution work?


  1. No need to pay to anyone and buy anything and, consequently, less risk.
  2. My site is accessible even when I am offline.
  3. Timing attacks or any other attacks are not possible.
  4. No possibility for the spying bodies/governments to shut down my site.

Freenet doesn’t work well together with Tor, see Freenet - Whonix for reasons.

Last time I checked (when the Freenet wiki page was written), there were no Freenet inproxies.

I believe what you’re looking for doesn’t exist. Originally, some time ago I wanted to do the same with Whonix. Having a decentralized anonymous website. Did extensive research. There was no way, at least not a practical one that can reach more than a negligible audience.

Ahh, okay, now I better understand the specific type of decentralization you are looking for.

I believe there might be one possible solution to achieve what you’re looking for.

That would be to leverage a client side language in the browser, (javascript or might have to be java or flash), and essentially build a Freenet or similar decentralized network client that gets embedded into a webpage.

Then, a clearnet user would theoretically be able to access the Freenet content through a standard web browser.

The issues with achieving this are 1) getting working code for an embedded browser client 2) getting clearnet web hosting for the webpage or at least embedded client script if able to use a free blog/website service.

However, this requires layering a Freenet site on top of a standard clearnet webpage.

It’s basically a way of making your own personal Freenet web proxy. Which requires you to also have some non-decentralized website on the clearnet as a frontend for people’s browsers to access. But it wouldn’t necessarily have to be on your machine.

This frontend clearnet webpage would be vulnerable to attack, so you’d have anonymously get a frontend webpage hosted and be more ready/willing to sacrifice it if need be and move to a new URL/IP.

Your configuration could be…

Onion.to --> Tor Hidden Service --> Embedded Freenet Client --> Freenet Site

Clearnet Webpage --> Embedded Freenet Client --> Freenet Site

It would be more ideal for you if someone offered a Freenet web proxy as a general public service, like Onion.to.

Developing and offering a Freenet web proxy to the public could at least give you added plausible deniability for any one Freenet site accessed through it, but might draw more negative attention for being the provider of such a public service.

Without having a Freenet (or similar) web proxy service or frontend webpage embedded client, all of this is probably not worth the trouble, though.

Based on balancing convenience with your technical goals…

Maybe there is a reliable free .onion Hidden Services hosting provider out there? To be accessed via Onion.to by clearnet.

That way, you wouldn’t have to worry as much about it being linked to your personal IP/identity, if hosted by an intermediary provider.

I haven’t used Freenet in a while and haven’t looked into the details of the protocol, but to assume it is impossible to be attacked or identified or shut down if using Freenet or something similar, just because it is decentralized across machines, would not be a impenetrable assumption. You’d be largely dependent upon the theoretical future-proof strength of their protocol and implementation for your stated goal of being absolutely stealth and invulnerable to the most powerful organization of hackers on the planet. A very tall order. Your setup would still be open to vulnerabilities like encryption cracking, endpoint compromise, and node impersonation or surveillance.