OnionShare on Whonix Workstation - How to connect to Tor?


I followed the guide to setup OnionShare using a separate Whonix-Gateway, Whonix-Workstation Template and Whonix-Workstation AppVM: OnionShare - Whonix

When starting OnionShare the application asks how to connect to Tor. Which option should I choose to prevent Tor-over-Tor?

My assumption is “Connect using control port” with default Tor settings Control port 9051 and SOCKS port 9050 and checked “No authentication, or cookie authentication”.

Besides of this and “Use the Tor version built into OnionShare” and “Attempt auto-configuration with Tor Browser” there is the option “Connect using socket file” with the default Socket file /var/run/tor/control and SOCKS port 127.0.01 9050 and checked “No authentication, or cookie authentication”. Could someone please explain what this means and when this is to choose?


Not good.

Also good.

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I have adjusted OnionShare page, hope it will answer all your questions.


Correction. I was wrong. This is actually also OK. From the wiki:

Even if you mistakenly connected by “Use the Tor version built into OnionShare” it does not lead to Tor over Tor thanks to special support by anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor. anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/usr/bin/tor.anondist at master · Whonix/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor · GitHub

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Thank you. Is my understanding right, that this is prevented as the OnionShare Tor connection configuration gets replaced by dummy data: SocksPort="" ?

No. It’s because there is no real Tor binary. It’s just an emulation, which doesn’t run Tor and sets up redirections to Whonix-Gateway.

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