one time popup notification of Whonix 16 deprecation once Whonix 17 was released

Once Whonix 16 gets released, there should be a final package upgrade notifying users that Whonix 15 has been deprecated with a link to the wiki with upgrade information.

A one time popup can be used:
Do not show this message again. - Generic One Time Popup

Also systemcheck - Security Check Application should point that out.

I need to keep re-signing (vaild-until field) the Whonix buster APT repository to allow late users to fetch the last upgrade.

This ticket serves as a reminder for that.

Once this is done, this ticket can be modified/rolled to the next major Whonix release upgrade version.


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Implemented in systemcheck part in git master.

WARNING: Whonix Support Status of this Major Version: Deprecated!

Whonix major release version 15 has been deprecated!

There will be no more security and user support.

Release Upgrade is highly recommended!

Recommendations: [underlined]

Stay tuned! Follow Whonix News!

It is absolutely crucial to subscribe to and read the latest Whonix news category ‘important-news’ to stay in touch with ongoing developments. This way users benefit from notifications concerning important security advisories, potential upgrade issues and improved releases which address identified issues, like those affecting the updater or other core elements.

rationale: at least 1 link for easy copy/paste in case this message is generated on gateway / template vm without ability to open links by clicking.

Wording suggestions?

//cc @torjunkie

Looks pretty good to me - only very minor changes suggested →

WARNING: Whonix Support Status of this Major Version - Deprecated!

Whonix major release version 15 has been deprecated!

No more security and user support will be provided.

A [Release Upgrade | Release Upgrade] is strongly recommended!

Further Recommendations: [underlined]

Stay tuned! Follow Whonix News!

Follow Whonix Developments

It is absolutely crucial to subscribe to and read the latest Whonix news category ‘important-news’ to stay in touch with ongoing developments. This way users benefit from notifications concerning important security advisories, potential upgrade issues and improved releases which address identified issues, like those affecting the updater or other core elements.


Great! Using that now.

This was done for Whonix 16 a while ago. Rolled the ticket to serve as a reminder for Whonix 17.