no more whonixcheck bootstrap progress bar on autostart


ID: 413
PHID: PHID-TASK-liwnnmvkkdmidgz7qxht
Author: Patrick
Status at Migration Time: resolved
Priority at Migration Time: Normal


As discussed with @bnvk and @mfc the new plan for #whonixcheck is.

  • no progress bars at all during autostart
  • passive popup ok after Tor connected in all cases

I.e. the following passive popups will be shown.

  1. starting sys-whonix (by Qubes VM Manager)
  2. sys-whonix started (by Qubes VM Manager)
  3. Tor bootstrap in progress. (by sys-whonix)
  4. Tor bootstrap done. (by sys-whonix)

This is currently blocked by a missing Qubes feature:
Centralized Tray Notifications

This is done in whonixcheck. Branch:



2015-10-08 18:01:44 UTC