No longer able to access the net via my VpnVM?

Good news! Your Whonix system is mostly working.

This is normal. Whonix-Gateway eats pings. Frequently Asked Questions - Whonix FAQ

This is not normal. But judging by the following result, you are able to connect to sites on the net. So this may be a Tor Browser issue, similar to: Anon-whonix qube proxy error... Tor disabled

Let’s do this first. Normally, you could just do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in your Whonix templates. Unfortunately, we had a rather eventful week: apt-get upgrading security issue CVE-2016-1252. And the best recommendation in terms of security is for you to re-install your Whonix templates: News - Whonix Forum. [You are obviously free to make your own choices - the old templates can still function correctly. Personally, I would re-download and go make a cup of coffee and enjoy some peace of mind. :slight_smile: ]

Once you’ve got your templates installed, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in both of your whonix templates.

Let us know if it’s still not working and we can take a look at some firewall rules.

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