No internet connection - whonix-gateway

Hi, I am still very new to whonix, have managed to import whonix (.ova) into virtualbox and start it.
I know that you have to start the whonix-gateway first and then the whonix-workstation.
My problem is that the gateway stops at 5% when the connection is established.

My System: Locale/physical system (windows) does not (intentionally) get into the Internet. I go to the internet via another windows VM.

How do I have to configure whonix-gateway (virtualbox .ova) so that it - with these settings (no internet access from local system) - can access the internet?

whonix-gateway at standard:
adapter1: NAT
adapter2: internal network

my test (doesn’t work):
adapter1: bridge mode
adapter2: internal network

Wh0p5 via Whonix Forum:

My System: Locale/physical system (windows) does not (intentionally) get into the Internet.

Whonix requires a functional host internet connection. If host internet is not functional, Whonix cannot use internet either.

How do I have to configure whonix-gateway (virtualbox .ova) so that it - with these settings (no internet access from local system) - can access the internet?

whonix-gateway at standard:
adapter1: NAT
adapter2: internal network

my test (doesn’t work):
adapter1: bridge mode
adapter2: internal network

There’s no need to change Whonix default settings. That’s even discouraged in documentation. → Warning: Bridged Networking

My other VM’s can access the internet via bridge mode. my locale system should not access the internet!

That’s unfortunately unsupported.

Is there a way (in the future) to support this?

I want use it whithout nested virtualization (virtrualbox with whonix in a vm with internet access).
With nested virtualization, i think, it will works too.

Possible only as per this… Quote Undocumented, Untested or Unsupported Features

This feature is either undocumented, untested, or unsupported. Please help us implement this feature by becoming a maintainer.

Consider Free Support Principle.

It might be possible to get this feature implemented, documented, tested and/or supported by purchasing Professional Support.

Comes with its own issues. See:

Ahh, ok, i understood. :neutral_face:

So it would be of no use if I would act as a maintainer.
Too bad!

hi. so if i have debian 10 as host system and using wi-fi adapter, first of all i have to connect from the host system and then use whonix? is it possible to connect from virtual box bypassing host machine?

Yes. Make sure your host internet connection is functional. Whonix will use just that normally as any other VM and even any other application would do.

Same answer as this: No internet connection - whonix-gateway - #4 by Patrick

thanks a lot. is there any instruction available how to prepare the host machine to use whonix. i talk about a hidden network connections from my host system, which can decrease my anonymity

That status of that topic will be kept up-to-date here:

i’m talking about these steps Debian Host Operating System Tips
is that enough to prepare my host?

Whonix ™ Documentation has chapters on computer security education and host security.

As for bridged networking:

  • It remains unsupported.
  • No progress was made.
  • None should be expected, unless contributed.
  • Should that ever happen, documentation chapter Warning: Bridged Networking and this forum thread would be updated.
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Well this absolutely ruins my plans to utilize a TOR bridge …

Bridges are totally unrelated to “bridged networking”. There is no logical connection between these two topics.

To use bridges, see:

For “bridged networking”:
Just forget about it. You don’t need it.

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No one here knows what ISP I have or will have, and if that ISP blocks TOR or not.

But thanks for the resource and correction

3 posts were split to a new topic: Tor traffic whitelisting gateway