New install doesn't have ToS / disclaimer?

Installed the newest version of Whonix (, it does not have the usual ToS that you need to click agree to once the VM is on the desktop. You know the one in two different languages that requires agreeing twice to before you even connect to Tor?

Both Gateway/Workstation no longer has that.

Did that get changed or is there some thing wrong with mine? Checked it with gtkhash and it came back fine.

Got changed.



Why was it removed? Thought it was to warn new users it was not business made, created by enthusiasts and they should read more up if they think it will truly make them 100% anon always.

Why doesn’t the new whonix installation have any usual installation disclaimer, where you had to click “understood” twice? What I have at the start is only "Setup-wizard-dist is completed. Click “Finish” to run systemcheck. ". So it just skips the previous order of installation.

Is this something wrong with my whonix or VB or you just have removed that disclaimer?


No. → Valid Compromise Indicators versus Invalid Compromise Indicators

Again some like myself are asking why it was removed which no one has yet to answer. Do you not know? It has been asked multiple times now.

What are the reasoning to remove such a helpful disclaimer? Especially for new users?

Troll sockpuppet is back.