Monero Integration in Whonix

@nurmagoz via Whonix Forum:

Monero will undergo a network upgrade on 13th August, 2022 | Monero - secure, private, untraceable

The new software (v0.18 “Fluorine Fermi”) will be released one month before the network upgrade, on the ~13th of July.

Monero GUI 0.18 not released yet. To check:

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Upgraded to just now.


Upgraded to just now.


Upgraded to just now.

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The CCS Monero Debian Package Repository for 2 years (!130) · Merge requests · monero-project / CCS Proposals · GitLab has been successfully completed. The CSS has expired at the beginning of this year. No extension request is planned. It is recommended to use the official Monero flatpak installation method which documented. Monero (XMR): A Reasonably Private Digital Currency

The monero-gui Debian package by Kicksecure has been deprecated and removed from the repository.

Alright. Thanks for the maintenance work. Going forward, I will download the binaries directly from

Btw, what’s going to happen to the existence of outdated monero binaries in Whonix, come the next Monero network upgrade? Is whonix going to remove those monero binaries?

No automatic removal. During upgrading, there will be the usual notification that packages can be automatically removed by running:

sudo apt autoremove

related on autoremove:

Support for Monero really, really sucks in the latest Whonix.

  1. Monero is no longer installed by default (huge mistake)
  2. The flatpak method of installation mentioned on Whonix wiki does not work - a related package throws an error during installation. Even if it worked, it has to download nearly a gigabyte of data over Tor just to install something that was available out-of-the-box before.
  3. When downloaded directly from getmonero, the GUI crashes with out-of-memory error when trying to sync the blockchain. This didn’t happen before with the pre-installed client.

This all happens on the freshly installed latest Whonix VirtualBox release. Wtf guys?

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The Monero Debian package by Whonix previously were exactly the same binaries. So the issue you’re experiencing now would equally apply.

Try add more RAM.

Otherwise needs to be resolved as per Free Support Principle.

Tested Monero flathub version in WS and its working as expected.

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It isn’t like Monero can be traced, just some few shortcomings that Seraphis will hopefully fix it.

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Monero can’t be deterministically traced. In a few edge-cases in which it might be probabilistically traced, the user can mitigate that attack vector by churning.

Currently, full membership proofs are under research by the Monero Research Lab. See this: Luke Parker - Full Chain Membership Proofs: Solving One of Monero’s Last Privacy Hurdles - Invidious

Also this research proposal: Monero Observer - rehrar submits CCS proposal to get 'Generalized Bulletproofs' reviewed by CypherStack

Not related to Monero.

Monero is not a mixer.

If you want news

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Is Monero added back to the default Whonix installs yet? Monero should come back into Whonix installation by default. Btc has no privacy protections in its transactions, it is as if using a clearnet browser, yet, electrum btc wallet is included in default installs. What a joke, seeing a btc wallet program inside a privacy-centric linux distro.