Monero Integration in Whonix

Hello Whonix community! The Monero community was contacted by @nurmagoz at this thread.

We were really excited to get a message from you guys. As you may or may not know, Monero has no central leadership structure, no corporation, or foundation, or anything. We’re just a decentralized community that’s passionate about privacy. If you want to learn more about how Monero works, check out the website at or watch this video (two hours long though).

All this being said, the Monero community seems to by and large greatly respect Whonix and we’re thrilled to lend whatever aid we can (under current human resource constraints). In answer to the question presented, we have a Qubes-Whonix tutorial awaiting review and merge into the website.

Anything we can do to further the idea of bringing back the basic human right of privacy to the people alongside the Whonix community is something many of us would be very excited about. You have allies in the Monero Project.

Let’s share ideas of collaboration here.

Thank you!


Hello rehrar and thanks for your post!

Having one of your Monero community members who is knowledgeable in Whonix tinkering to nominate themselves an an anonymous maintainer of the relevant Whonix Monero wiki page i.e. must keep it up-to-date and functional at all times, would be a great help!

In fact, I nominate this as a strategy for all future cryptocurrencies because the sheer number makes it impossible for the limited number of part-time editors here to keep up.

(Plus not all of us are crypto fans to begin with… :wink: )


How come I have had Monero running for all these months, and have never installed any of those dependencies?

Also, I always start monero with torsocks, is that wrong?

Hello everyone! I’m OsrsNeedsF2P from the Monero community. I would love to help in any grudge-work Wiki editing you need, because I’m kind of good at that stuff!

Anyways, I’m excited to be here, and I love the idea put forward by torjunkie for having anonymous maintainers for different cryptocurrencies.

That’s fine

That’s fine!


But is it the most secure and anonymous method?


I am a moderator of the Monero sub on Dread (a .onion Reddit alternative).

I maintain a guide on how to set up a Monero wallet on Whonix over here:

My intended audience includes complete beginners at Whonix and Monero.

I’d love to hear your thoughts/feedback.


Broken link.

Try the link again after entering the captcha, the redirect seems broken.

alright so steps to open your link:

  • open the link and you will find captcha
  • fill the captcha and you should be redirected to the subject? no
  • close that link and press on the link here again and it will redirect you to the subject.

(so i think the admin need to fix that :wink:)

i looked at the instructions, instructions looks like been written with careful and its step by step. i didnt test that personally but it looks nice.

bravo! :clap:

This is the Monero page: Please fill it with nice easy spicy instructions

add your instructions.

and @rehrar @OSNF2P @0xB44EFD8751077F97 maybe your help with the steps will rich the subject and add great touch as aggregating work in the wiki.



You can explain to how sessions work.

I have reformatted the guide and made some improvements in the structuring and layout to make it more suitable for the wiki.

The changes are pending review on the wiki.


Thanks thotbot! :slight_smile:

Monero/Manual Instructions: Difference between revisions - Whonix


qtbase5-dev qt5-default qtdeclarative5-dev qml-module-qtquick-controls qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel qttools5-dev-tools qml-module-qtquick-dialogs

No longer required for monero-gui?

Could you please simplify Monero (XMR): A Reasonably Private Digital Currency?

Concentrate on GUI with remote node, and move the CLI part to

Some parts of the instructions are currently using one version, others another version:


Newest is v0.14.1.0 or is that developers only or something?

Software signature verification instructions are also unclear to me. We links to Binary Verification: Linux, Mac, or Windows Using CLI Tools (Advanced) | Monero - secure, private, untraceable and they link to which however does not show version, only version

Latest GUI binaries are for, latest CLI binaries are for

The file matches that.

For now our instructions (if want to be up to date) for GUI should use, our instructios for CLI should use

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Monero/Manual Instructions: Difference between revisions - Whonix

Could you please add verification instructions to Monero (XMR): A Reasonably Private Digital Currency?

Next release ( is scheduled for October 31, hard fork planned to take place on November 30.

Currently 0.15 is available for CLI only. GUI version still isn’t out. Many nodes already using 0.15.