Long Wiki Edits Thread

torjunkie via Whonix Forum:


Whonix ™ is produced independently of, with no guarantee from, The Tor® Project.

“with no guarantee from” seems superfluous. Logically, if Whonix is produced independently, then The Tor Project would never provide any kind of guarantee.

For simplicity, why not change it to:

Whonix ™ is produced independently of The Tor® Project.

That text is a courtesy to TPO. Using exactly as requested.

Quote Tor Project | Trademark

How can I use the name “Tor”?

The Tor Project encourages developers to use the name Tor in ways that
do not confuse the public about the source of anonymity software and
services. If you are building open-source non-commercial software or
services that incorporate or work with The Tor Project’s code, you may
use the name “Tor” in an accurate description of your work. We ask you
to include a link to the official Tor website
https://www.torproject.org/ so users can verify the original source of
Tor for themselves, and a note indicating that your project is not
sponsored by The Tor Project. For example, “This product is produced
independently from the Tor® anonymity software and carries no guarantee
from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else.”

(The logo on that page also reminds me that no update/notice was given regarding contributors who provided possible new logos. Some kind of news announcement should be provided about that issue because it closed in January or thereabouts i.e. if not going to update the logo, why not etc.)