is it possible to use ledger wallet in Whonix?
When i trying to connect ledger to local Mycrypto wallet output is
“Your Ledger is currently in use with another application. Please wait, or close other wallet applications before trying again.”
When i trying to connect ledger to Metamask extension it’s fail in endless connection and never success.
What i did:
Whonix-Gateway-XFCE and Whonix-Workstation-XFCE
Install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.0.14.vbox-extpack
USB 3.0 - ledger nano s
sudo adduser $(whoami) vboxusers
Welcome to Whonix forums and thank you for your question!
Unfortunately this is undocumented, unsupported at time of writing.
Undocumented, Untested or Unsupported Features
Doable in theory. Known to work in Qubes-Whonix.
How-to: Ledger Hardware Wallet in Kicksecure ™
Whonix does not take deliberate steps to prevent use of Ledger. But:
- Using Ledger on (Debian) Linux can be challenging. (non-Whonix issue)
- Using USB devices with VirtualBox can be challenging. (non-Whonix issue)
- Using Ledger with VirtualBox can be challenging. (non-Whonix issue)
Once you’ve mastered above issues (as per Free Support for Whonix ™), Whonix will probably not in your way.
Documentation was updated.
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