Whonix gateway just turns into a black screen when it boots and I don’t know how to fix it. I think it is causing the browser error on workstation. I checked Whonix troubleshooting but my issue isn’t there. I would appreciate it a lot if someone would share a fix.
Thank you
Edit by Patrick:
See Kicksecure ™ in VirtualBox - Troubleshooting - Kicksecure ™ does not Start?
Hello and welcome!
We would need more information, such as:
Version of Whonix (VirtualBox, KVM?)
Your operating system
Did it work before and stopped working
Did you change the settings
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I actually don’t understand this report.
Ro_Noah via Whonix Forum:
Whonix gateway just turns into a black screen when it boots
Just boot and screen remains black forever?
I think it is causing the browser error on workstation.
What has the browser to do with it when screen remains black after boot?
In case of VirtualBox, please also if its same issue this:
Wanted to try out and but there is only black screen loading in VirtualBox. It looks like the Gateway is loading but it doesn’t display anything. It is in memory, it uses resources acording to task manager but VB Windowd display blank screen regardles of mode is on. The last line shown on screen is that with “…32bpp” then balck screen only. Tried ovm files under Windows and linux as host system, same effect. This affect both GW and WS VM’s. I did see other topics with that …
As that forum thread contains error descriptions and possible solutions.
Im using the latest version of VirtualBox, Im on windows 10, only workstaion works, i gave it more ram
The description of the bug is insufficient to help. Please answer the questions of my previous post. Then this needs a proper bug report.
Bug Reports, Software Development and Feature Requests
Most importantly, instruction for bug reproduction.
See Kicksecure ™ in VirtualBox - Troubleshooting - Kicksecure ™ does not Start?