I can not install Electrum - Bitcoin Crypto Currency Wallet

This might help:


Thanks but seems like the user there didn’t find a solution?

Also do I Need to uninstall what I installed from the stable repo first?


Well, the standard Debian advice is not to mix and match packages from different suites due to package consistency issues. Not sure if backports is classified as a “different suite” or not.

One of the experts will point out if this is not necessary, but it certainly doesn’t hurt.

So I guess it is safer to first remove the old electrum version, before installing anything from backports with:


sudo apt-get remove electrum

(change the package name if it is something different)

Note: to completely purge config files for that packages, you could optionally run:

sudo apt-get --purge remove electrum


Next, you’ll want to enable backports for installing the (more) updated version from the repos. This is safer than downloading some random thing from the internet, due to proper gpg checks with the Debian repository i.e.

Follow steps 2-4 here:


to add jessie-backports & use apt-pinning & update the package lists.

Then, install electrum from backports with:

sudo apt-get -t jessie-backports install electrum


If the backports version doesn’t work, report back here.

Good luck!

Yes. You cannot have multiple versions of the same package installed because it will cause serious conflicts. Make sure you use “apt-get purge” instead of remove to delete config files left behind.

I never uninstalled a package from stable to upgrade to a version from backports. Always worked for me. If uninstallation is recommended or not - we’d have to ask Debian about this. Debian instructions currently do not contain such a recommendation. https://backports.debian.org/

What could make sense is removing all packages from backports and before upgrading from oldstable to stable since then the process would be better tested. I’d expect it’s worth removing packages, but not to downgrade dependencies since downgrades are more risky to break.

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hi! there was problem running electrum installed correctly from sources described in “Whonix - Money”, it was going okay about month, then simply stop to run, just loading icon flashes about half second each time

so I surfed this issue and find that users re-installing it solve it, as only deleting all new files appeared after wallet setup in its folder (all files in .wallet and all files except daemon and servers in .electrum) just could not work

but it all just for one time run again now, second it won’t start so need to uninst then reboot and install again lol - can give you any logs of it work, just not found where it to get, and seems to run not trusted jessie but simply linux GZ from official site, hope it will run:)

UPD - no, linux install from site won’t go at all, forced to re-mount workstation:) not a big case as there anyway possibility to use additional OS for hosting electrum as it anyway better reliable than change it to other present - but some sade too cause in anonimity culture payment tracing is enough big reason lol


I think this falls under the non-Whonix-specific category. No doubt you already know how to install/re-install it for Debian:

Re: it not working from Debian packages, version 2.6.4-1 is in Jessie backports (you know how to install from backports right?), and version 2.7.9-1 is in Debian testing.


Sounds like you’ve been trying version 2.8.2 from here:

You should be attempting Debian versions in the first instance to see if it resolves your problems. Also check the bug list to see if this is a known problem in Debian.


Of course, mixing and matching stuff from testing/unstable repos can be a nightmare of its own i.e. end up with a completely unstable system if not done right. But again, not a Whonix-specific issue.

thank you! you match constantly -

so as I can see last version of EW itself is more than year ago, so maybe they slow it down with new releases and stopping old ones)) anyway its safe to synchro and sign TX even with win32 ver 1.x portable as generate offline and then broadcast it from any online stuff you want and any where lol

used just constantly these instructions from official - they fail, and after all there was messages that previous 2.6 not uninstalled completely and new shortcut appeared too lol as I was completely cleaned all previous setup as it possible legal way)) and was not working yet

sudo apt-get install python-qt4 python-pip
sudo pip2 install https://download.electrum.org/2.8.2/Electrum-2.8.2.tar.gz

guess I need to correct these 2 linux setup instruction lines from off site for whonix)) any help))


sudo pip2 install https://download.electrum.org/2.8.2/Electrum-2.8.2.tar.gz

I never liked using that. That’s an easy way. But is it the most secure
way? Is it only as secure as https or is it somehow including gpg

i want to confirm successfully works : electrum bitcoin client inside whonix workstation , easily can setup the settings for stream isolation :, port 9111, Socks 5,

so can have a wallet that is completely anonymous * btc’s are not anonymous but if have a anonymous wallet none can knows ho you are and where are you - that wallet, so if you sent coins in that wallet , none knows where you send them.

Thanks. I wanted to test this also.

My concern with Electrum is that each wallet is not independent within the client. Please correct me but I think all of your wallets are queried together on the same server and easily linked.

At a minimum, only 1 identity should be used per Electrum client. Not sure if you can run multiple clients on one Workstation, and ensure that different servers are assigned to each client… thoughts?

electrum not download full blockchange so is fast , recommended by whonix documentation,
not tested by whonix devel\maintainers, but they say is probably a good way , anyway i tested successfuly. If you wand to have multiple electrum with diferent identities must have multiple whonix workstations , that is possible but need some work , in whonix documantation there is guide for that . And as for the anonymity of btc wallets, if set the wallet for stream isolation inside whonix as i write in that post and as recommend by whonix devel\maintainer, you will have a wallet that is completly anonymous with no possible risks, the quest is : btc’s are not anonymous , so if you send coins in that anonymous wallet from clearnet , ‘‘they’’ will see that the btc’s are sended by you from clearnet to an unknow anonymous wallet , and ‘‘they’’ don’t know where is that anonymous wallet and ho is the user of that.

I can confirm that from 1 year, the stream isolation works well .
However, for identity correlation or wallet correlation is a Electrum problem because Electrum at the start sincronyzes the firts wallet called default_wallet, it’s a stupid thing but it refers to Electrum software, not Whonix .
You can use this trick, create a false default_wallet that you shouldn’t never use, so you will use the other wallet :slight_smile: . Take some second from each request and your btc anonimity will increase :slight_smile: .
Please, correct me if I’m not right :wink: .

I am trying to determine the most secure method to maintain identity isolation in Qubes-Whonix, specifically with regards to Bitcoin usage.

If I had a Offline Wallet Qube, based on Fedora-28-minimal, with just Electrum installed. . .

What would be the best method for maintain identity/wallet isolation for the Watch-Only wallets?

Should each wallet run in its own AppVM based on Whonix Workstation template, proxied through (Or

Or would it be more secure to run Electrum from the same Fedora-28-Minimal template, but still using Whonix Gateway?

My Whonix Workstation Template has many many packages installed. Should I create a new one with nothing additional installed besides Electrum?

(On a side note, does anyone know if it is possible for Bitcoin Armory to handle the private keys in the offline wallet, while Electrum handles the watch only public keys?)

I have many bitcoin wallets, and I do not want them cross contaminating one another through any sort of correlation type attack.

If I had multiple wallets, and they are all directed to on the same gateway, but originating from separate workstations, is this secure with effective stream isolation?

i just setup Whonix 9 on Qubes, and i tried installing Electrum but it just says:

/usr/bin/pip run on Mon Sep 22 14:10:10 2014
Downloading/unpacking https://download.electrum.org/Electrum-1.9.8.tar.gz

Error while getting https://download.electrum.org/Electrum-1.9.8.tar.gz

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/basecommand.py”, line 104, in main
status = self.run(options, args)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/commands/install.py”, line 245, in run
requirement_set.prepare_files(finder, force_root_egg_info=self.bundle, bundle=self.bundle)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/req.py”, line 985, in prepare_files
self.unpack_url(url, location, self.is_download)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/req.py”, line 1109, in unpack_url
retval = unpack_http_url(link, location, self.download_cache, self.download_dir)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/download.py”, line 431, in unpack_http_url
resp = _get_response_from_url(target_url, link)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/download.py”, line 466, in _get_response_from_url
resp = urlopen(target_url)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/download.py”, line 85, in call
response = urllib2.urlopen(self.get_request(url))
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py”, line 127, in urlopen
return _opener.open(url, data, timeout)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py”, line 401, in open
response = self._open(req, data)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py”, line 419, in _open
‘_open’, req)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py”, line 379, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py”, line 1219, in https_open
return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPSConnection, req)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py”, line 1181, in do_open
raise URLError(err)

also this seems to be a Whonix-Qubes only bug

Yes. This bug:

Transparent torification does not work yet.

Eventual workaround in meanwhile (untested):
Until that is fixed, you need to torify pip. Either by using proxy settings (if it supports it) or by using torsocks/uwt. (As per Stream Isolation and vaguely related Combining Tunnels with Tor)

uwt example:

uwt -t 5 -i -p 9153 pip [...]

Related comment:

  • Last time I checked, pip did not verify its downloads, therefore vulnerable to mitm attacks.
  • Therefore I recommend to use a signed tarball or signed git tag instead of going unverified for better security.

Hi Qhubix,

This might be related to the known TransPort bug in Whonix Qubes.

Reference: Whonix Forum

Basically, user added programs/scripts that don’t come installed by default in Whonix can’t access the internet right now.

Default Whonix programs are pre-configured to work with SocksPort and can reach the internet.

Other user added programs use TransPort by default, and currently there is a bug where TransPort is not working in Whonix Qubes for an unknown reason.

We recently became aware of this and it is a work in progress. Help is welcome.

If the first step is to download a file (https://download.electrum.org/Electrum-1.9.8.tar.gz), then I’d recommend maybe doing so in the Tor Browser or using wget in the Terminal.

That should at least get you the file downloaded.

If after getting your program installed the internet access issue persists for it, you could manually configure the program in Whonix to route through SocksPort instead, which would give it internet access.

If wanting to do this, then I’d check out the Stream Isolation page:

And you could open a new thread in the Support forum, if you need further assistance in manually configuring SocksPort routing with your app.

Also, note that the Tor protocol does not support UDP traffic by default, only TCP. Not sure what type of traffic your app is using.

Anyway, that’s my best guess based on what you’ve provided so far as to what the issue seems to be. I’m guessing its the current TransPort bug.

Patrick beat me to a reply by 1 minute. :smiley:

And mentioned some instructions for manually configuring SocksPort.

Ah, okay i got it now, thank you guys for your help!

encase anyone else is in the same situation,

  1. what worked for me is, downloading the Electrum.tar.gz and extract that

2.(Optional but important!) Verify the signature “gpg --verify Electrum.tar.gz.asc Electrum.tar.gz”

  1. open up the terminal in the extracted folder

  2. type “sudo uwt -t 5 -i -p 9153 python setup.py install”

uwt wrapper is needed even for installing without “pip” because otherwise it won’t install ecdsa and probably neither slow-aes

after it has been installed you have to open up Electrum from the terminal with the command:

Then in order for Electrum to be able to connect to one of the Server’s

you need to go to Tools>Network

then select
Protocol: SSL
Proxy: SOCKS5 IP: Port:9153