I want to use whonix gateway for any vm rather than just whonix workstation
I can’t find instructions for linux kvm
It’s there. KVM =
Downloaded whonix-custom-workstation but I got a .ova file and the instructions mention virtual box only there. I don’t know what to do with .ova file instead of img file
When it says VirtualBox you need to translate that to KVM. Same principles.
And use this file libvirt-dist/usr/share/libvirt-dist/xml/Whonix-Custom-Workstation.xml at master · Kicksecure/libvirt-dist · GitHub.
I extracted the .ova file and converted to img but the img file is only 198kb in size and even with that xml and installing a custom os it still doesn’t connect to tor
You need a KVM VM connected to the gateway.
Configure the OS inside the VM according to documentation.
I made the documentation slightly less confusing regarding virtualizer specific instructions KVM vs VirtualBox but it’s still undocumented.
Note: I am not a maintainer of Whonix KVM.
I did both and it still didn’t work so I don’t know what mistake I made. if I am not supposed to extract the .ova file then how am I supposed to use it?