how to reset sys-whonix

how can i recreate sys-whonix from scratch, no old data retained, new tor guards, new everything?

do i need to recreate appvm or template?

is there salt command to redo it?

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Template re-creation should not be required.

Yeah, you could go the complicated route: Reinstall Qubes-Whonix Templates

But there might be a much easier native Qubes way.

Instead of asking a specific question about Qubes-Whonix, I recommand to ask a generic question instead.

How can I delete the private storage of an App Qube (i.e., the /rw folder) to reset it to its default state?

This makes the question unspecific to Qubes-Whonix.

Then this question can be resolved as per:

And this is what I found:

Quote qvm-volume – Qubes volume and block device management — Qubes Admin client mm_ab72538b-0-gab72538 documentation

A specific use case is importing empty data to clear private volume:

qvm-volume import –no-resize some-vm:private /dev/null

Please let me know if that worked for you.

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