How to disable unreliable countries in tor.

Hi all. As in TOR user config disable unreliable countries in TOR?

TOR user config in whonix gateway

See Tor - Whonix

ExcludeExitNodes {us},{au},{ca},{nz},{gb}
StrictNodes 1

Does not work.

.# Tor user specific configuration file
.# Add user modifications below this line:
ExcludeExitNodes {us},{au},{ca},{nz},{gb}
StrictNodes 1

My configurations Torrc. (No points)

Could be a Tor issue rather than a Whonix issue TBB 3.6.5 is ignoring ExcludeNodes and ExcludeExitNodes settings (#13051) · Issues · Legacy / Trac · GitLab


Help pls(

As said in Tor - Whonix it’s not a Whonix question. It’s a general Tor question. Should be resolved as per Free Support Principle.