How to configure Tor in Whonix-gateway connect to other VM running proxy

The proxy software must run either:

under the linux user account tunnel on Whonix-Gateway ™; or
on the host; or
in another virtual machine.

But the link doesn’t tell me how to set another virtual machine. How to set another virtual machine?

  • The proxy software must run either:
    • under the linux user account tunnel on Whonix-Gateway ™; or
    • on the host; or
    • in another virtual machine.
  • All of this is undocumented. Also undocumented:
    • how to autostart custom software after reboot (systemd etc.)
    • custom proxy software setup example.

I try to do this by adding internal adapter to other VM and to the whonix network, then forward traffic coming from WG to the proxy running on other VM by iptables and enabled port forwarding function. So that Whonix Gateway and other VM is able to ping each other, why Tor can’t use proxy from other VM for connection?