How can I watch youtube in Whonix Workstation?

I think you mis read my statement on Debian 10. Youtube and other video streaming serives work 100% in Debain 10, I just put 3D on in Virtualbox.

So if I understand correctly. If it works in Debian but not in Whonix, the problem is not with whonix… (head screatcher)

That is an ancient virtual graphics card. Doesn’t support 2D for sure and 3D is of no use for these kinds of graphics workloads. In fact this criteria is useless with new graphics virtualization architectures at least for KVM.

If you want to play high quality videos with no hassle just switch to KVM and you should have no problem out of the gate.


It was introduced relatively recently in VirtualBox.

   ## equivalent to:
   ## VirtualBox → click a VM → Settings → Display → Graphics Controller → VMSVGA → OK
   ## Quote
   ## > "VMSVGA: Use this graphics controller to emulate a VMware SVGA graphics device."
   ## > "This is the default graphics controller for Linux guests."
   ## - Has better desktop resolution in CLI (virtual terminal) mode.
   ## - functional VirtualBox VM Window → View → Virtual Screen 1 → resize to resolution
   ## - functional VirtualBox VM Window → View → Adjust Window Size
   ## Broken for some users?
   sudo $SUDO_OPTS VBoxManage modifyvm "$VMNAME" --graphicscontroller vmsvga

From the available choices by VirtualBox, seem the correct choice for Whonix VirtualBox by default.

My bad. I confused it with an obsolete QEMU emulated video card with a similar name.

YouTube works for me. There are no VirtualBox performance issues after enabling 3D Acceleration. This however is discouraged for security reasons in documentation. Was able to watch a video in HD as well as in 4K quality with Tor Browser inside VirtualBox.

Without enabling VirtualBox 3D Acceleration video viewing experience is degraded to to low graphic performance.

Added to documentation just now:

VirtualBox users note: Performance of videos might be slow. For a possible solution, see VirtualBox, Troubleshooting: Slow Video Playback.

Quote VirtualBox, Troubleshooting: Slow Video Playback.


What’s better or worse for security, enable VirtualBox hardware-accelerated graphics (3D Acceleration) or disabling CPU mitigations? Please consider resolving that question through Free Support Principle and let us know what you found out. Please use a dedicated forum thread for that.

VirtualBox 3D Acceleration

Try KVM, much more secure.

No issue with YT here I don’t have 3d acceleration on.

Interesting. Thanks for the report.