Hey i'm newby here! need help on setting on virt manger

i’m on EndeavourOS host and qemu/KVM user sesssion .try to setting network.
sorry for poor english skill.

sudo virsh -c qemu:///system net-define Whonix_external_network- 
[sudo] password for tune: 
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
error: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/virtqemud-sock': No such file or directory

Make sure first to install KVM in your distro, If you dont know how then consult your distro community, currently Whonix KVM tested installation on debian,ubuntu,fedora, and arch.

EndeavourOS is base on vanila Arch ,yep i have installed kvm .Consult on my distro community still no solution.maybe they dont know .that why i’m here!

PS my ReacOS,Arch,and Windows 11 on VM are fine.

Something is wrong then from EndeavourOS, use another distro in this case.

If these are fine but… Whonix doesn’t work then logically a user would conclude that it’s a Whonix specific issue.

However, it’s still probably not really Whonix specific.

This file is pretty simple. Imagine it doesn’t say “Whonix” and then wonder why it doesn’t work.

Only specific to how to setup NAT / bridge / virbr1 on your Linux distribution with KVM.

If using Arch as operating system then this error message seems a primate target for “use a search engine”. The question becomes why you don’t have /var/run/libvirt/virtqemud-sock and how to get this? Might be as simple as a missing package that needs installation, starting a systemd unit and/or changing a configuration file to enable this.

Given the low activity of Whonix KVM development and support, I think Generic Bug Reproduction is the only promising approach to resolve this.

Note: I am not a maintainer of Whonix KVM.