Trying to clean up the branch before building. My git status command returns the following:
Changes not staged for commit:
modified: packages/apparmor-profile-torbrowser
git clean -ndff returns nothing. I’ve already ran both git dff commands, but git status still returns changes not staged for commit. How should I get passed this so I can move on with the build? I’ve tried building it anyways but the script errors out with 1200_create-debian-packges error exit code 1.
My build command is:
sudo ./whonix_build --flavor whonix-gateway – --target root --gui none --freshness current --build
Made no different to git status command. I tried running as normal and root user.
git status is still outputing the following, after running git clean -ndff, git clean -dff, git submodule update --init --recursive, then the helper cleanup script, then a git status:
Changes not staged for commit"
modified: packages/aparmor-profile-torbrowser (modified content)
no changes added to commit.
When I try to build this, the script errors out about Uncommited changes…
I fixed it by doing a git rm on the file git status was showing, then doing a git commit. Now git status shows a clean repo.
If you are talking about the install log, I’m not sure how much of it you want, heres a cut of the errors it was throughing:
git status
HEAD detached at
Changes not staged for commit:
(use “git add …” to update what will be committed)
(use “git checkout – …” to discard changes in working directory)
(commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
no changes added to commit (use “git add” and/or “git commit -a”)
true '/home/user/Whonix/help-steps/git_sanity_test INFO: Running git “clean -d --force --force --dry-run” for your convenience. ’
git clean -d --force --force --dry-run
true ‘/home/user/Whonix/help-steps/git_sanity_test You most likely like to run:
or if you know what you are doing:
git clean -d --force --force
git reset --hard
HEAD detached at 60b6204
Changes not staged for commit:
(use “git add/rm …” to update what will be committed)
(use “git checkout – …” to discard changes in working directory)
Still having the dpkg permission issue during build. It appears to still build though, 90,000 lines of output later.
Once I have the gateway booted. I can’t get an internet connection going. Is there a way to ping a website or will it always return nothing even if I have an internet connection on the gateway? When I do the whonixsetup, whonixcheck says doesn’t exist. If I change the tor variable to 1 instead of 0 (including it being uncommented) it then does make a file, but it still doesn’t connect to internet. Any advice on how to configure my network once the gateway boots? I would like to have the outside connection use my wifi card, so I can then connect the workstation via the ethernet port.
Still having the dpkg permission issue during build.
There is no dpkg permissino issue. Ignore it as per ‘Expected Build
Once I have the gateway booted. I can’t get an internet connection
going. Is there a way to ping a website or will it always return nothing
even if I have an internet connection on the gateway? When I do the
whonixsetup, whonixcheck says doesn’t exist. If I change the
tor variable to 1 instead of 0 (including it being uncommented) it then
does make a file, but it still doesn’t connect to internet. Any
advice on how to configure my network once the gateway boots? I would
like to have the outside connection use my wifi card, so I can then
connect the workstation via the ethernet port.
Ignore the Tor pid check failure. It’s just a follow up bug. whonixcheck
doesn’t check yet if networking is up. But if networking is not up
(check with ‘sudo ifconfig’), Tor will start to bind, Tor will fail to
start. So just get your network config right. Then reboot.
How will I know for sure if my network config is right? I’m using a wireless card as the iface for making connections to internet, so that ethernet can plug into the workstation. Can I ping a website and get a response to know if my networking is good? Or would this connection fail because of the hardened gateway?