I saw another post similar to this, but I’m on a much later version so I thought I’d make a new post.
I’m trying to put Whonix on bare metal but I can’t seem to build derivative-maker. It always throws an error related to build-steps.d/1700_install packages.
I’ve tried doing a fresh install of debian and redownloading derivative-maker, but I still can’t seem to get it to work.
Any advice is appreciated,
Thank you for your time.
Here’s my log (Mozilla Pastebin):
(Mozilla paste bins expire in 21 days)
Please post the link. Yes, you can do that now.
That’s way too much effort if splitting into 8 links is required just for 1 log. Next time I recommend using a paste page which supports larger content. See also:
Pasting Logs for Support
This issue might be fixed in the next release.
Alright, sorry for the trouble. Maybe I’ll try out a non-stable build for the meantime, or I’ll try installing an older build and upgrading it.
Thanks for the response and all your hard work on whonix!
Thank you!
At time of writing…
You could try git tag
but it’s not tested for physical isolation. Not security relevant. In this case, it was just a build sanity test that applies for VMs but shouldn’t be done for physical isolation. If the build succeeds, great. Otherwise, please report.
Check if there’s a newer testers or even stable tag.