debian kvm whonix & qubes-whonix

it is better to be safer to use debian kvm whonix or qubes-whonix? because I have a problem with the driver acpi.
and how to change the language in pidgin on whonix -ws&

Good day,

Depending on your host, both KVM based Whonix and Qubes-Whonix deliver a similar level of protection though, due to the design of Qubes, it is to recommend over most other hosts.

The same way you’d do on other Debian based systems:

Have a nice day,


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I will use debian -kvm - whonix-gw? whonix-ws, I do so in debian order to not access the Internet, and only whonix-gw?

Good day,

Could you please rephrase that? I have a hard time following your question.

Have a nice day,


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in a search for the folde launcher ?. I can not find

Good day,

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean.

Have a nice day,


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“…Modify the command in pidgin’s application laucher, add following in
the beginning
env LC_MESSAGES=zh_CN.UTF-8…” - I use qubes-whonix to whonix-ws set pidgin, where do I find the file you want to change?
and how to install anti-virus clam . what is your attitude toward clam?

Pidgin is discouraged. ( Instant Messenger Chat )

Recommended is Tor Messenger. ( Instant Messenger Chat )

Antivirus (detection) is the least important tool in securing (hardening) your computer. Details:

Computer Security Education - Whonix