Hi there,
I have a question about my setup.
So I have a Host (Ubuntu). a Whonix-Gateway and a Custom WorkStation (Debian).
I have a LiteCoin Full Node on the Host. How can I connect to the Gateway to anonymize my full node? Also, how can I reach the Host from my WorkStation to send RPC commands? Or should I make an RPC server?
Thanks for the help.
SSH into Whonix-Workstation. But you might need to use reverse SSH. Could be difficult. Unsupported.
Hello Patrick!
Thanks for answering me.
Finally I could reach Whonix Gateway followed this tutorial: Access Whonix-Gateway Ports from the Host
It is working and I hope it safe.
Reverse SSH could be difficult yeah, but I got an idea.
So, lets say, my local ip is on host, and I prerouting through the gateway, then forward just like this:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i virbr3 -p tcp --dport 8332 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d --dport 8332 -j ACCEPT
Port 8332 is the rpc port of my Litecoin rpc server. What do you think? Is it a safe method?
It is in my personal PC, just playing with that, but there is no iptables installed on Gateway. Should I install it? I do not know how can I implement this in the firewall settings.
Thank you for the tip.
I followed the setup, but I have a problem.
I did exactly everything.
I can reach the Whonix Workstation from the Gateway, nginx show up, I can reach the host from the Gateway, but after I start SOCAT, I cannot reach the WorkStation from the host.
Any idea what did I wrong? Or missing something?