computer hardware leaking

Does Telegram Desktop detects my videocard and processor info via javascript or any another way? Cuz AIDA64 can detect and show all my real system hardware into virtualbox Whonix workstation.

Did you compare with the host operating system?

Some ideas how to read this information using freedom software:

What virtualizers (such as VirtualBox) can and cannot hide:

Generic Bug Reproduction would be helpful.


Please provide instructions how to see that using telegram.

can telegram eventually figure you out by hardware or not?


Can any locally running application that is untrusted by the user or malware fingerprint the VM?


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can you just give me staight answer or no? Please, I have no time for reading all of this and I don’t understand it. Just yes or now: Does Telegram Desktop detects my videocard and processor info via javascript or any another way?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Remote Detection of CPU Capabilities (CPUID) by any Web Server using JavaScript (JS)?

I will split this forum thread.

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Hidden graphic card information was added to the Protocol Leak and Fingerprinting Protection‎ wiki page. Use browser internal search for:
graphic card

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