Notes before Watching
These videos have some outdated builds & information and contains some personal opinions… BUT overall they are great for average and techy first time user.
to watch videos with Onion v3 of invidious copy the /watchxxxx and add it to the end of the onion link:
- 105 Whonix Os Anonymous Operating System 1
(I would say the best tutorial)
- How to Download and Verify the Whonix Operating System for Virtual box in Debian 9.0 (Stretch)
(very appreciable tutorial)
- How to be anonymous on the web? Tor, Dark net, Whonix, Tails, Linux
(very nice commentary from Tor to Tor Browser to Whonix …etc)
- Whonix Anonymous Operating System in virtual box
(fastest video on how to import Whonix images in Virtualbox on Windows OS)
- How to Install Whonix 11 with VirtualBox for Anonymous Web Browsing
(how to import Whonix images in Virtualbox on Mac OS)
- Live Look at Whonix / Wazup YouTube?
(Long Video , but fun to watch)
If you have more excited videos please tell me to add them as well.
When the link worth to be added here? (or what i was searching)
1- English Language mandatory
2- Song/Track with the tutorial without commentary acceptable (but the tutorial looks informative/reasonable/understandable/easy to follow)
3- Techy/Geeky type of explanation needed (not that you are geeky but the way you are saying stuff is geeky meaning you have read Whonix upside/down or the info of the said stuff looks accurate on Gnu/Linux Privacy geeky bases).
4- Whonix WS&GW, Not Whonix-GW and kali or windows …etc.