These are some changes I would make to the documentation unless someone has a better idea:
Thanks a lot for your ideas!
Include the version numbers (of Ubuntu, Torbrowser, etc) that the documentation applies to. If the first editor writes the documentation for Ubuntu 12.04.3 then someone finds that nothing has changed with Ubuntu 12.04.4, they can change the introduction or section titles to Ubuntu 12.04.3/12.04.4.
As long there is nothing version specific at all, not that I know of for now, I would prefer omitting it. If you wish to get more opinion on that, please feel free to create a separate topic in the development sub forum for just that suggestion.
Instead of sharing folders you can create iso's to make files available in the virtual machines. With Linux you act like you are burning a data disk with Brasero, and it gives you the option to create an iso. Go to the virtual machine window menu > Devices > CD/DVD devices > Choose a virtual disk.
This is documented here: links to it.
For file exchange with Whonix without installing guest additions, see File Transfer.)
Maybe that isn’t well linked?
Host name could not be ubuntu. The installer said that name was in use. I suggest using "host" as is recommended for other operating systems. Host with a random number (like Host82938) might be a better option. No operating system will use that by default.
This isn't as simple as a documentation change.
Anonymized operating system user name “user”, /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts, /var/lib/dbus/machine-id, which should be shared among all anonymity
distributions. See also:
I would like to get an agreement with other anonymity distributions. Tails apparently agreed with hostname “host”, but Freepto made a different suggestion ([Freepto] (senza oggetto)). Please join the existing discussions if you want to suggest adding random numbers to “host”.
I guess best for now would be suggesting hostname “host”. Please change that if it’s not already hostname “host”.
If you want to connect workstations using (virtual) ethernet I don't know if they need different host names.
Not that I know. Both Whonix-Gateway and Whonix-Workstation are using hostname "host".
Can't have US for country with UTC for timezone. Have to choose "other" to have UTC as an option.
Please clarify this in documentation.
When I disabled USB, VirtualBox says there are inconsistent settings unless I change the setting under System > Motherboard > Pointing device to PS/2 Mouse.
Without Guest Additions the screen resolution is 640x480.
Really? That's weird. I thought it defaults to 1024x768. It always did when I installed Ubuntu in VirtualBox.
When it’s 640x480, can you increase it?
Please install x11-xserver-utils.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils
Then post the output of xrandr (without guest additions).
That wiki page should only help to get resolutions higher than 1024x768. I don't know it's required for 1024x768 itself. says to add /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-virtualbox-monitor.conf for Whonix
Should be general Debian (and Debian based such as Ubuntu) related instructions, unspecific to Whonix.
There was no change in resolution in Ubuntu 14.
This is very host operating system / perhaps even hardware specific. And really difficult either way. Can't help with the method (was contributed by an anonymous user).
With the screen at 640x480 Torbrowser and Firefox didn't open in their usual sizes.
Totally unusable, I think.
I believe this would mean any web browser would have a very unique fingerprint.
Yes, I wouldn't recommend using it that way.
I would just add this information and let the user decide if the security risk of Guest Additions...
I wouldn't advice to install guest additions because of 640x480 resolution. I would prefer if we sorted out your issue with no having 1024x768 resolution without guest additions. You're the first one who reports such an issue.
Would like to tell, what version of host operating system, VirtualBox version and guest operating system you are using?
The Whonix-Default/Download-Workstation does not have this issue with only being at 640x480 resolution? It’s 1024x768 by default? Maybe Ubuntu devs have introduced a new issue in a newer version?