Change default shell from bash to zsh by default?

Can you show the full command?

Maybe it is the same as in:

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sudo apt update && sudo apt autoremove --purge

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Can’t reproduce.


sudo apt autoremove --p

Then press the tab key.


–print-uris --purge


sudo apt autoremove --p

Then press the tab key.

Actual result: Nothing.

Expected result: Suggest to auto complete to --print-uris or --purge.

So if that is the bug, then I can reproduce it.

Zsh auto completion is implemented in different source code files than bash completion. In case of zsh and apt it is based on file /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Debian/_apt. Maybe a missing feature in that file?

This I can reproduce and would be something missing in the Zsh completion of _apt.

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Then this is probably reproducible on Debian and would need to be reported against Debian.

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