cannot use pkexec

@Patrick, upgrading to the point release in-place, this bug is back again (even in my existing upgraded in-place system in which I had already applied my own manual fix).

I cannot install DEB files with GDebi, cannot launch Synaptic, and ZuluCrypt error at launch.

Investigating my own (re)solution right now and will report back.

Update: This bug is now worse than it was before, and I cannot find a fix. This is all tested on multiple fresh OVAs out of the box.

My previous fix of changing ‘auth_admin’ (or ‘no’) to ‘yes’ in various policykit files in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/ no longer works. (What is overriding that?)

If I apply this fix from Patrick: cannot use pkexec - #21 by Patrick

  • Synaptic works.
  • ZuluCrypt works.
  • But Gdebi NOT fixed. (This is the one a lot of people are used to.) Bad errors.

Not to mention other packages like KDE Partition Manager. Now I can’t use that application either.

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