My Workstation is an already existing Devuan installation that has been set-up to use the Whonix-Gateway from the instructions here: Anonymize Other Operating Systems
It works! All traffic is being routed through Tor on the Workstation.
For management purposes though, trying to SSH into the Workstation from the gateway, as described here: File Transfer - Whonix
does not work.
iptables -S
on workstation:
(yes I know this is bad, this is for debugging purposes and temporary)
sshd is running and is on port 22, just password authentication (usually I use keys but again, temporary for debugging)
When I attempt to SSH from the gateway into the workstation with /usr/bin/ssh.anondist-orig user@
I get a flat out Connection refused.
nmap -p22
shows 22/tcp closed ssh
Whats going on here? Why is the port closed? I know its very much open. If I try to SSH to a non-existant IP, say, I get a timeout error so the workstation is definitely reachable, but for some reason not SSH-able