Ease to push new added packages compared to debian
Arch issues:
Arch is based mainly on systemd, Doesnt give the option to have non-systemd from upstream similarly/easy as to debian which gave devuan and its fully functional. (There are projects who build archlinux without systemd like Atrix, But its faraway to fill all essential user needs)
Arch doesnt come with any easy way to install it, Its fully manual/cli installation which is not easy at all for new comers. (There is a project which give arch+calamares installation called Alci)
Arch doesnt support by default any architecture except 86x_64x. (And there is only unofficial ARM support, NO IBM-Power CPUs/ppc64)
User need to refresh keys before upgrading otherwise gonna see messages like:(safe to proceed but annoying, not happening on debian side)
Arch package manager pacman doesnt come with easy to use commands like install,remove,upgrade… instead it comes with only letters S,y,Rdd,…etc (user need to see and learn the manual of pacman in order to use it properly)
Arch is not free software distro by default similar to debian
Security Concerns:
Arch doesnt come with any MAC by default not apparmor nor selinux or any other (need to be manually activated). (Debian and Fedora comes with one)
Arch ignored for a long time signing their packages and handled the full trust to the third-party mirrors check here (2008) and here. To the level it considered one of the “Package Managers Without Security” according to TUF in 2008.
Arch still using outdated checksum md5 and sha1: (from their download page)
File integrity checksums for the latest releases can be found below:
As of today date archlinux still using iptables by default and not nftables, Ironically they note that iptables is the legacy firewall here: (Debian deprecate it by default and replaced it with nftables since more than one year)
Note: iptables is a legacy framework, nftables aims to provide a modern replacement including a compatibility layer.
Since it lack many features by default like user friendly installation and some essential packages, The work on devs who gonna fork it will be heavier than if it forked from debian.
Arch devs seems that the security is their last concern, Although the distro continuously upgradable and has good documentation their distro is behind the line when its compared with debian or fedora.
The only useful way i can see it for whonix if we do all these fixes from our side properly, If it considered easy/under the hand tasks then yeah arch might sound useful to have, otherwise difficult task.
In general I don’t think that in term of security they are major differences between Debian and Arch because by default they are all bad (cf Linux (In)security).
However, as a long time arch (and Whonix) user, I can provide a few additional bit of information.
Arch does come with MAC. All official kernels have support for both SElinux and AppArmor (your link is 7 years old…). However, in the arch way, it is up to the user to enable it in the kernel command line and to install and enable the user-land tools and profiles. See: AppArmor - ArchWiki
In this context, the user would be Whonix dev, not Whonix end user. Anyway, as usual with AppArmor, if you don’t have the profile, you MAC system is useless. And that is Whonix work to provide it.
This has long been fixed (your link is 14 years old…). Pacman has both packages and database signature verification support.
Agreed. Since gpg signature is available the other checksums are obsolete / optional.
Confusing (as evidence in this forum thread) and bad in the view of security enthusiasts users but no actual security issue.
I see the point. But effectively it boils down for all practical purposes relevant here to “has no MAC”.
What’s the practical purposes relevant here? Well, that’s the previously unspoken assumption. That’s the topic of “can/should Whonix use a better/more secure/you name it base Linux distribution”?
So the kind of MAC that we’re looking here fore is if the base operating system comes with lots of well maintained, strong MAC profiles for useful default applications in context of Whonix by default.
(What I mean by base operating system or base Linux distribution? Debian, Arch, etc.)
Interesting. I can see you digged deep into Whonix if you mention that.
Leaving this reference for others wondering what this is about here… Whonix / Kicksecure are using: config-package-dev
Got any reference of that?
Does Arch Linux nowadays pass the TUF threat model?
I could not say regarding the exact TUF threat model. Especially because in practice only the packages are signed, not the database. This is because it requires a CI with the secret keys, this is still a WIP inside arch. See [arch-dev-public] build automation discussions
From my search, Arch doesnt sign the metadata of the packages but only sign the data/package (dnf-fedora doing the same), Thats as well looks bad e.g check this discussion regarding this point:
True, But the mentality of the devs just faraway to say they are security expert or caring because compare this to whonix which uses SHA512 and Signify for their images… Arch just isnt for security related stuff.
Same answer above, I know its fixed (already mentioned that) but the mentality to let your project criticized for years for obvious critical security flaw is just stupid behavior from the developers.
This article provides instructions on installing Arch Linux on a system without an Internet connection. To do this, another system with a working Internet connection is required.