apt-get DNS Bypasses apt.conf Proxy Settings

Btw mixing 13 and 14 will be unsupported.

entr0py:> Finally getting back to testing here. I plan on reading
through the Qubes-Whonix testing

tomorrow, so my comment may have been addressed already.>

  1. Downloaded and cloned lastest whonix-gw-14 template manually on Qubes 3.2.
  2. Attached template to existing sys-whonix-13 proxyVM.
  3. Ran apt-get update.
  • Initial traffic is DROPPED by sys-whonix-13. LOG reveals destination IP: sys-whonix-13 & port: 53
  • Eventually times out. apt-get then sends traffic to tinyproxy on 10.*.255.254:8082 and completes successfully

Not sure why apt-get is requesting a standard DNS lookup when apt.conf.d/01qubes-proxy is configured to use tinyproxy.

Do you have the dom0 settings?