Applications that require an internet connection do not work

Connected to a tor connection through the whonix gateway.
But on the whonix workstation and other OS I tried to connect to via the whonix network, I have the same problem:
Websites work through the browser, but applications that require a network connection do not load (e.g. game launchers, crypto wallets, etc.)

First we need to confirm that connectivity is generally functional. That should be done by using common, “non-special” applications. What do I mean by “non-special cases”? Something simple such as curl.

For example, this can be done using systemcheck.

systemcheck --ip-test


Once it has been established that Transparent Torification is possible, there are a few reasons why the “special cases” are failing.

What are special cases?

  • Geo-blocking - Unreachable Websites (says websites but applications such as crypto wallets are often just light wallets using some API behind cloudflare. Not at all decentralized or censorship resistant.)
  • UDP

This came up on the TCP and DNS test:

curl: (7) Failed to connect to check.torprojectorg port 443 after 1 ms: Couldn’t connect to server
zsh: exit 7 UWT_DEV_PASSTHROUGH=1 scurl

And this command systemcheck --ip-test gave it away:

Connected to Tor.
[INFO] [systemcheck] Whonix is produced independently of, with no guarantee from, The Tor Project. Whonix is a research project. httpswwwwhonixorg
[INFO] [systemcheck] Whonix APT Repository: Enabled.
When the Whonix team releases BOOKWORM updates,
they will be AUTOMATICALLY installed (when you run apt-get dist-upgrade)
along with updated packages from the Debian team. Please
read whonix to understand the risk.
If you want to change this, use:
sudo repository-dist
[INFO] [systemcheck] SocksPort IP Leak Test: Testing Tor’s SocksPort (SOCKS_PORT_SYSTEMCHECK: 9110)…
[INFO] [systemcheck] SocksPort IP Leak Test: Connected to Tor.
[INFO] [systemcheck] system default networking IP Leak Test: system default networking IP Leak Test…
[INFO] [systemcheck] system default networking IP Leak Test Test Result: Ok, Tor’s TransPort was not reachable.
This is expected on Whonix-Gateway’s default configuration.
(curl exit code: [7] - [Failed to connect to host.])
[INFO] [systemcheck] Stream Isolation Test: Ok, skipped, because TransPort test failed! Can not test stream isolation. This is expected on Whonix-Gateway’s default configuration.

These tests must be run on Whonix-Workstation because this is where applications should be run.

  1. systemcheck --ip-test

[INFO] [systemcheck] Connected to Tor.
[INFO] [systemcheck] Whonix is produced independently of, with no guarantee from, The Tor Project. Whonix is a research project. whonix
[INFO] [systemcheck] Whonix APT Repository: Enabled.
When the Whonix team releases BOOKWORM updates,
they will be AUTOMATICALLY installed (when you run apt-get dist-upgrade)
along with updated packages from the Debian team. Please
read whonix t to understand the risk.
If you want to change this, use:
sudo repository-dist
[INFO] [systemcheck] SocksPort IP Leak Test: Testing Tor’s SocksPort (SOCKS_PORT_SYSTEMCHECK: 9110)…
[INFO] [systemcheck] SocksPort IP Leak Test: Connected to Tor.
[INFO] [systemcheck] system default networking IP Leak Test: system default networking IP Leak Test…
[INFO] [systemcheck] system default networking IP Leak Test: Connected to Tor.
[INFO] [systemcheck] Stream Isolation Test Result: Functional.
[INFO] [systemcheck] Debian Package Update Check: Checking for software updates via apt-get… ( Documentation: )
[INFO] [systemcheck] Debian Package Update Check Result: No updates found via apt-get.

  1. DNS TEST (nslookup check.torprojectorg)

[workstation user ~]% nslookup check.torprojectorg
;; communications error to timed out

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: check.torprojectorg
** server can’t find check.torprojectorg: NXDOMAIN

3-DNS TEST, 4 - TCP and DNS Test - all done

All functional.

But the problem with applications that require internet not loading remains

And the answer that can be given remains the same.

You can only follow these links, read and act according to documentation.