Anonymizing Other VM's in UTM

Has anyone been able to figure out how to anonymize other VM’s with the Gateway outside of the Workstation VM in UTM yet? I found some qemu args…

-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=internal -netdev socket,id=internal,connect=

…that might’ve led me to believe this is the string I need to enter to get the gateway working on my target VM, but have not had any luck doing so. Even setting up the Network portion for my VM via the GUI did nothing for me.

Anyone have luck achieving this for M1 Macs on UTM?

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Actually none of those links seems to help. I suspect that’s because UTM uses a custom network configuration that is different from the default. As @DeepDooip stated, the qemu command line parameter makes. a reference to a port on the loopback device.

Setting up the the client workstation with a static ip, dns that resolves to the gateway and gateway even for a basic connection doesn’t work let alone custom configuring the tor browser so you don’t do Tor over Tor doesn’t work.