33 GB System Storage size usage on workstation template

That’s the number I see when I do du -sh / on terminal. This is quite large, imo. What’s taking the bulk of this disk usage on whonix workstation? The 6 previous kernel versions that I can select from, is storing them the “culprit”?

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You can check with a Disk Space Analyzer such as baobab (with root rights).

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I can see that /var/cache/apt/archives is taking up 18 GB of space. Then I can see that /usr/share/doc/texlive is taking up 3 GB of space. Total of these make up 20 GB of the 50 GB that I provision to the whonix-workstation-17 template.

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General Debian issues. Unspecific to Whonix.

You can proceed as per:

For example this is working:

sudo apt-get clean

Tested. Safe.

Check out ubuntu - Can I remove texlive-doc using 2.5 GB? - Super User (untested).


Understood. sudo apt autoclean is also useful.

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