
Did anyone ever notice and/or run …?


whonix-base-files/whonix at master · Whonix/whonix-base-files · GitHub

if [ -f /usr/share/anon-gw-base-files/gateway ]; then

   echo "\
${bold}Documentation can be found on Whonix homepage.

Whonix is based on Debian, VirtualBox and Tor.

The following commands are available on Whonix-Gateway...${reset}

${under}Anonymizing Relay Monitor
(Vidalia alternative, Tor Controller as console application):${reset}

${under}Restart Network:${reset}
sudo service networking restart

${under}Restart Tor:${reset}
sudo service tor@default restart

${under}Manually set System Clock:${reset}
sudo date -s \"17 FEB 2012 24:00:00\" && sudo hwclock -w

${under}Update operating system:${reset}
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

${under}Check Network Time Synchronization and Tor connection:${reset}

${under}Swich to clearnet user. clearnet user has direct internet access:${reset}
(see DNS notes below)
sudo su clearnet

sudo reboot

${under}Power off:${reset}
sudo poweroff

${under}Circumvent using uwt wrapper (Experts / Debugging only!):${reset}

${under}check if DNS resolution is functional:${reset}
- Experts only!
- This is only a summary.
- You normally do not need to manually resolve DNS on Whonix-Gateway.
- Whonix has by default a feature to hide the fact, that you are a Whonix user.
  - This will NOT hide the fact that you are a Tor user from your ISP!
    - Hiding the fact, that you are a Tor user, is available as an optional configuration.
  - Whonix-Workstations traffic goes through Tors Socks-, Dns- or TransPorts.
  - Whonix-Gateway can only send traffic through Tor as well.
    - Whonix-Gateway has no longer a Trans- or DnsPort.
    - For example, apt-get will actually call the uwt wrapper /usr/bin/apt-get.
    - The apt-get uwt wrapper will with help of uwt and torsocks force also
      Whonix-Gateways traffic through Tor.
    - Thus hiding the fact, that you are a Whonix user.
- Only as either,
  - as clearnet user or
  - after activation of transparent proxying for Whonix-Gateway
    in /etc/whonix_firewall.d/ or
  - after allowing Whonix-Gateways root sending non-Tor traffic
    in /etc/whonix_firewall.d/
- nslookup check.torproject.org

${under}Important configuration files:${reset}
nano /usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf

${under}Important configuration folders:${reset}

${under}Important logs:${reset}
tail -f /var/log/syslog
tail -f -n 20 /var/log/sdwdate.log
tail -f /var/log/controlportfilt.log
tail -f /var/log/tor/log

${under} Connection Wizard (Enable/Disable Tor)${reset}
sudo whonixsetup

${under}Change keyboard layout:${reset}
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data

${under}Default username and password for Whonix-Gateway and Whonix-Workstation:${reset}
Default username: user
Default password: changeme

${under}For slower output, run:${reset}
whonix | more

${bold}End of Whonix help.${reset}

elif [ -f /usr/share/anon-ws-base-files/workstation ]; then

   echo "\
${bold}Documentation can be found on Whonix homepage.

Whonix is based on Debian, VirtualBox and Tor.

The following commands are available on Whonix-Workstation...${reset}

${under}Restart Network:${reset}
sudo service networking restart

${under}Manually set System Clock:${reset}
sudo date -s \"17 FEB 2012 24:00:00\" && sudo hwclock -w

${under}Update operating system:${reset}
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

${under}Check Network Time Synchronization, Tor connection, Operating system updates, Whonix Version, Whonix News:${reset}

sudo reboot

${under}Power off:${reset}
sudo poweroff

${under}Circumvent using uwt wrapper (Experts / Debugging only!):${reset}

${under}check if DNS resolution is functional:${reset}
nslookup check.torproject.org

${under}Important configuration folders:${reset}

${under}Important logs:${reset}
tail -f /var/log/syslog
tail -f -n 20 /var/log/sdwdate.log

${under}Change keyboard layout:${reset}
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data

${under}Try to produce a leak (see Whonix documentation):${reset}

${under}Reset xchat idenity:${reset}

${under}Tor Browser Launcher:${reset}

${under}Tor Browser Updater:${reset}

${under}Default username and password for Whonix-Gateway and Whonix-Workstation:${reset}
Default username: user
Default password: changeme

${under}For slower output, run:${reset}
whonix | more

${bold}End of Whonix help.${reset}


Let’s update/improve that file or deprecate it?


Thank you very much for this Information!


No but looks exciting. Is that an Easter egg you’ve hidden in the code? :grinning:

Not an easter egg.