Whonix Linux Installer - Development Discussion

Major Changes in git:

  • The installer got support for Debian unstable (sid).
  • Debian testing (trixie) support was fixed by installing VirtualBox from Debian unstable (sid) repository.
  • Error out when attempting to use --oracle-repo on Debian testing (trixie) / unstable (sid) because Oracle does not provide such a repository.
  • Use adduser instead of useradd on Debian.
  • Fix launch VirtualBox Manager (GUI). (Do not only start the VMs.)
  • Try to start VMs before trying to start VirtualBox Manager because if it fails, it is less confusing to avoid starting VirtualBox Manager
  • view VirtualBox dkmks make.log on Debian if installation of VirtualBox failed
  • if using --dev and if enabling Kicksecure repository, use Kicksecure developers repository instead of Kicksecure stable repository if Kicksecure repository is needed
  • No longer use mirror by default. Use direct downloads.