Whonix KVM dnsmasq - listen port on host operating system - attack surface reduction

I think it’s needed. More on tcpwrapped:

Specifically, it means that a full TCP handshake was completed, but the remote host closed the connection without receiving any data.

So two things here:

  • We still don’t want a TCP handshake to be completed because unsolicited incoming connections have a higher attack surface than not allowing unsolicited incoming connections.
  • Even the information “port 53 tcpwrapped” should not be leaked over the LAN or internet. Could even be deducted “Maybe it’s a Whonix KVM user”.

A writeup on “unsolicited incoming connections” → Opening Ports in Whonix.

I don’t know which one would be applicable here, but here’s a long list of dnsmasq CVEs to review:

Potential solution, untested:

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