Whonix is loosing their antifacist supporters

This can be done by one single page, instead of having it on hundreds (don’t know if it’s actually that much. just read it as “many”). Whonix is not just having an account on Gab, Whonix is promoting Gab on many pages.

as a side note:

Patrick supports at his youtube channel also german Neo-Nazis.
Sure this has nothing to do with Gab. It is only about free speeeczz.
No, don’t ask me why he basically only supports conspiracy theorists and neo-nazis there.

@antifacist_whonix_us i just want to ask you regardless to what you are saying , why do you mix politics or (can be) religion or other things which are unrelated to technology or digital world to it?

what will be added from technological point view to anyone here if this x image and link removed or not?

the only thing which someone can jump in with, is it legal or not legal.

if its illegal to put particular link and image please share with us that.

otherwise let the ppl experience their thinking on blog or twitter , no one can satisfy everyone and false information across the internet is far from anyone can count it.

Yeah circular logic is very simple indeed.

Tell me about it…

In America we don’t take away everybody’s fundamental rights because a few abuse them. Totalitarian bootlickers must be disappointed I know.

If Gab is censoring all other views except those of neo-Nazis, then you may have a point. However anyone is free to post there. I encourage you to go join Gab, appropriate their network and attack extremists views instead of whining about them over here.

You keep repeating your subjective interpretation of the criteria as if it’s supposed to mean something.

You still haven’t addressed the arguments above about why your logic about endorsement is problematic and what it implies. Fascists throw around arbitrary accusations and punish people for them without any logic or reason other than the victim not being part of their movement. Your behavior is the same even if your core beliefs are different.

Show me the post where Patrick actively asks anyone to join Gab? Having an icon is no different than what a Facebook “like” button is. It’s for current users of a network to share content not as an active call to join.

Yeah OK… because every book or video someone sees means they automatically endorse its views. Genius logic at work over here.

Here is what a Tails developer who’s met him at CCC says:


Patrick has videos where he preaches his support for the LGBTQ+ community, totally something a “fascist” would do…

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He does not and that’s easily verified, but nice attempt at character assassination.

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Thank you to everyone who joined this discussion and clarified to the OP our policy and the issues with their position.

Whonix has no political affiliations of any kind nor does it support any political ideology.

We have spent a better part of a decade developing and advancing a state of the art distro to protect the fundamental human right of absolute freedom of speech to all.

Our values are enshrined in our Code of Conduct where it is stated that we do not tolerate any attacks against members involving race, religion, sexual orientation or even personal reasons. They say actions speak louder than words. Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself what a friendly, positive, vibrant and inclusive community this is and will continue to be.

If anyone takes issue with our project, they are free to fork our code under the respective Libre licenses and start their own project and community that better reflects their ideals.

Further off-topic discussions about this issue proves to be non-productive and a distraction to our mission and therefore unwelcome here. It also runs afoul of our forum policies which is about sticking to tech discussions.

Thread closed.