whonix gateway strange msg

On opening the gateway and the RAM starts to load get this msg: " less than 1950mb RAM available, therefore var/swapfile (512m) will be created"

It then goes ahead and creates this “swapfile”.

The thing is, the computer has plenty of RAM (16GB)??

The gateway seems to run ok (except it is a black screen) and the WS doesn’t seem to have any problems (no such message, in fact it says the RAM is ok for it )

what is the problem and what suggestions to fix it?

Don’t know if this is relevant but before the gateway gets to this it has the commands: “recovering journal” and then
“clearing orphan inode 524492”

thank you

Message not strange. The full message is.

INFO: Less than $ENOUGH_RAM MB RAM available. Therefore ‘$SWAPFILE’ (‘$PV_SIZE’) will be created… OK.
INFO: Ideally you should assign 2048 MB (2 GB) or more RAM to this machine.
INFO: See: Post-installation Security Advice

If you follow that link, it’s documented there:
Post-installation Security Advice



Bug Reports, Software Development and Feature Requests applies.

err…but the point is there IS enough RAM on my system (16 gb). So why do I get that message and why does it need to create this swapfile?

Host RAM is irrelevant if not assigned to VM. Assign more RAM to VM as per:
Post-installation Security Advice

If links are provided in support, reading these is crucial for understanding. Just refer to that link for any explanation / how to “fix”.

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