Whonix AppArmor Profiles Development Discussion

This this work for (non-Whonix) TBB users as well who use bridges? I don't know if the tor-launcher add-on does modify torrc, but I would suppose so.

Even using bridges, are you supposed to modify torrc while Tor Browser is running?

torbrowser-launcher probably modifies torrc, I am just having a look. I will remove the line anyhow.

About torbrowser-launcher. It does not work in jessie (bug), but I tested it in wheezy. You probably know, but…

Regardless of the normal installation from torproject.org, it installs its own copy on the first run in ~/.torbrowser and check for updates on each subsequent launch, updates if necessary, keeping the profile (bookmarks…). That’s nice, but the best is that everything is confined by AppArmor from the start, transparently. That is: torbrowser-launcher itself, /start-torbrowser, /Tor/tor and /Browser/firefox. Except for a restriction on downloads, I could not see any problem with it.

I know we have tb-starter and tb-updater, but is there any reason why we could not use torbrowser-launcher in Whonix?