Which e-mail provider is more adviseable, protonmail or lavabit reloaded?

@CTemplar i checked again ctemplar , you guys made great and brilliant improvements to your infrastructure from removing cloudflare , removing the need to JS, payment with Monero and v3 Onion Hidden services, All TLS and DNS security features implemented and hardened… just great!

Is there any notices to add?

  • Major feature needed is to allow users to use their own email clients (allowing pop/imap/smtp) and their own encryption (gpg/pgp), i asked the support they told me it maybe applied in the future.

  • Minor stuff to check out:

Missing Headers (new)
Permissions-Policy: Permissions Policy is a new header that allows a site to control which features and APIs can be used in the browser.

Content-Security-Policy: This policy contains ‘unsafe-inline’ which is dangerous in the script-src directive. This policy contains ‘unsafe-eval’ which is dangerous in the script-src directive. This policy contains ‘unsafe-inline’ which is dangerous in the style-src directive.

  • Optional/Trivial stuff to checkout:


If you press on warnings and notices you will find: (if this single route go offline all nameservers gonna be offline)

0 CONNECTIVITY WARNING All nameservers in the delegation have IPv4 addresses in the same AS (13335).
1 CONNECTIVITY WARNING All nameservers in the delegation have IPv6 addresses in the same AS (13335).
2 CONNECTIVITY WARNING All nameservers in the delegation are in the same AS (13335).

0 ZONE NOTICE SOA ‘refresh’ value (10000) is less than the recommended minimum (14400).
1 ZONE NOTICE SOA ‘retry’ value (2400) is less than the recommended minimum (3600).

Cant wait to see your email added on my client!!

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